Monday, June 06, 2005

This is my life... pt1

It was New York, 1987, a dark day, December 22. Oh, it was cold, as any day in winter in New York should be. My mom was at Belvue hospital since 3 o'clock in the morning. Yes, Belvue is a psychiactric hospital, I was born in the perfect spot, just to learn by my own that I should be locked in there. Anyways, at 8:00 in the morning the horrible screams of a 20 year old mother to be, silenced the hospital as she gave birth to a beautiful young boy. This boy, which was named, Juan Jos,unfortunatelyy not by my father, which is something most boys have a priveledge to, but by my grandmother, on my mother's side. My dad was missing out on this supposedly because he was getting drunk who knows where, I personnaly don't give a hoot for him anymore. Well, the little boy boy grew up, learning spanish as his main language at home, just to loose it as he entered school. I don't remember my dad that much, and really, I don't think he was ever around that much. 'Cause of this I grew up around lots, and lots of women; my mom, my grandmother, my aunt, my mom's aunt, my younger aunt, and many other women. Anyway starting school was fun I guess. I don't remember anything else...


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