Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Well, School is over. I will be gone until January so post to you guys then, bye...

Friday, December 02, 2005


Well, tomorrow's my parent's Aniversary, I'm not sure how many years but I think it's 12 or 13? Oh well, it's weird though, my parents fight so much but they're still together. They've been through hell, they lost two kids, my two little brothers, moved constantly, it's just weird.


Well, my birthday is in 20 days, and I'm not sure I'm that happy about it. I recieved something from the army when I graduated from High School, and it said I had signed up for the army and as soon as I turn 18 that I'll be in it because of the Pell-Grant Tuition. I don't believe in the Army, seriously, I don't see how you defend your country putting inocent men in the line of fire, just because this old geever decides to call war. How many soldiers haven't already died? And I personally don't believe in killing others, no matter how tempted I feel to kill some people sometimes. I am so against war, politics, killing, what's the point? Why do we have to go to war?

Thursday, December 01, 2005

It Was You

It was you that made me love
It was you that made me live
It was you that made me feel all things things I feel today

I just want to say that Michelle was and still is the most special person in my life. Last night we were talking and just felt like we were still together. I remembered the nights we spent together, the hours on the couch just staring at each other. The time we went to the park next to her house and we kissed while falling on the slide. The time I didn't go to work just to be with her, and I waited for her while she was in her modeling class, then we were together the whole day. I miss those days in which we were in school and we used to sit on the bench to just look at each other then those random kisses that came once in a while. I really need to be with her, I need to just see her in front of me, maybe to just look at each other endlessly. It wa the greatest time ever just to be with her or to talk with her on the telephone, just hearing the things she comes up with. And all those little fights we used to have when she would just say,"Ay Juan ya!" And then we'd be kissing endlessly on her couch. Or when I used to play with her ear and she'd end up laughing her beautiful laugh. I really need her right now cause I love her and it's obvious that I can't live without her.