Monday, June 27, 2005

Never meant to be so cold...

It's been a while since I've last posted. But all I really want to say is that, as Michelle said, the end is coming, I have no idea what has come upon me, but I can't find any other way to try and avoid my feelings towards Michelle. The semester is starting august 8, and I've been trying to be strong and stray my feelings toward Michelle, as I said because, well, I understand it's going to be hard for us both. At nights, I can't sleep because Michelle is constantly in my head, it's like a guilty conscience, the side effect of doing something you shouldn't, and I guess that what I'm doing is denying what's to come. Baby, I'm sorry for that. People, right now is a very delicate time in both our lives, we've been together for quite a while, and I don't want this to end, not yet, not like this. This whole college thing has been like a terrible nightmare, in which, seriously, I've actually thought of putting my life in hold, till she comes out of high school, but I can't control my life 'cause I'm still underage. But after writing all this, I guess the only place I can look for help, is in God. After all, I still have faith.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

running out ...

hello is me, michelle,
Running out is a catchy title don't you think! Anyways my concern is how much time do we have left? I am christian and as christians we believe that God is coming for his church any day now. I know, I am not planning on talking about religion and I am not refering on how much time we have unto the Lord comes. Today I am refering to how much time do we have left for everyone! Now days our lives are so complicated! with: work, family time, ourselves,church,others, etc. How much time is enough time to spend on that person we love? I don't know about you all, but I know that if spending time with my boyfriend was up to me I'd never do anything else , but sadly life doesn't work like that and I have lots of thing to take care of and I can't devote as much time to my relationship as I would like too. So how do I know if my time is running out? I really don't know if I've explained myself well enough, but I just want to listen to somebody elses point of view in this running out of time thing! I say this because my boyfriend is moving in a month and I don't know if am dividing my time correctly with him! So if any of you know something I could do to make this little problem better, feel free to comment about it! thanx 4 listening! take care everyone!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


hey baby! I hope everything is ok! haven't heard from you all day!
I love you! bye! oh and everyone else my trip was great! really enjoyed going to the US of the first time! It was a very overwhelming experience! I went to see some baseball games Yankees vs Cardinals, and Red Sox vs Cardinals. They were great! I had lots of fun, but I had to come back I missed my boyfriend 2 much! anyways goodnight! l8tr everyone!

Sunday, June 19, 2005


Ok, So anything new? No! Life is great, My friends from the car accident are ok, and Michelle and I are just great. My parents are having a blast making fun of me with Michelle, and so is my Grandfather. Ok, whatever, can anybody tell me the true meaning of simpathy? I've been trying to figure it out, but the dictionary's definition doesn't quite satisfy me. Please I know this seems like something stupid but, don't you think that most things in life just don't satisfy anyone with the meaning it's given? Oh, and before I forget Happy Father's Day!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Please Pray

I'm not a fluent prayer person, but I've found a reason to pray. Some of my school friends were in a car accident Saturday morning. Out of everyone there, one came out with a serious injury on her hand, which might need to be reconstructed. Another just hurt his hand, but nothing serious. Another suffers of migranes and she's got some bruises on her head. Another, well, the other just broke his Psp. But the deal is they were six people in a SUV, (one in the trunk) and all of them are emotionally broken down. They won't even leave their houses, those who are at their houses, but anyway, could you just pray for them. My friends and I are neverending fun and laughter, I just don't want to say that this fun has ended.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

This is my life... pt2

So I was being raised by lots of women, my mom, grandmother, aunts, mom's cousin, and who knows who else. The point to that is that my dad wasn't even a figure in my life at that time. What had happened at the time is unknown to me but all I know is that he wasn't there. I was five years old when all of the suddened my mom and I went to Tampa. ¿Yay? Well, I met my dad...

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Oh Crap!

So Michelle is gone. Now I'm going to be lonely for a whole week! This sucks!

Monday, June 06, 2005

This is my life... pt1

It was New York, 1987, a dark day, December 22. Oh, it was cold, as any day in winter in New York should be. My mom was at Belvue hospital since 3 o'clock in the morning. Yes, Belvue is a psychiactric hospital, I was born in the perfect spot, just to learn by my own that I should be locked in there. Anyways, at 8:00 in the morning the horrible screams of a 20 year old mother to be, silenced the hospital as she gave birth to a beautiful young boy. This boy, which was named, Juan Jos,unfortunatelyy not by my father, which is something most boys have a priveledge to, but by my grandmother, on my mother's side. My dad was missing out on this supposedly because he was getting drunk who knows where, I personnaly don't give a hoot for him anymore. Well, the little boy boy grew up, learning spanish as his main language at home, just to loose it as he entered school. I don't remember my dad that much, and really, I don't think he was ever around that much. 'Cause of this I grew up around lots, and lots of women; my mom, my grandmother, my aunt, my mom's aunt, my younger aunt, and many other women. Anyway starting school was fun I guess. I don't remember anything else...

So life is like a box of chocolates...

...or is it more like a box of thumbnails, when curious to stick your hand in, you find a thumbnail and you feel pain unexpectedly. Whatever, people don't eat at McDonald's, you do not know what we do to food! Today, making salads a couple of grape tomatoes fell to the floor, any idea what happened next, yup! Moving on to something interesting, graduation is in twelve days! =(It's sad you know, here in Puerto Rico high school is only three years! But these three years have been the most beautiful, satisfying, precious years of my life, especially when you take out the self-absorbed people, the teachers that lower your self-esteem, the students you call friends that aren't really your friends but you hang out with them anyway, and not leaving out the small quiet kids with who you never spent time with but you tried to talked to them at least twice( once is never enough) and besides everything else, everything else! School is beautiful, enjoy it why it lasts... =p

Hey what the hey is that? oh just great! Who let that freak out? Ok, these are a few of my friends; Yasdel(white and chubby), Mar�a (white with hat), Charlene( anime, manga, whatever freak), Aida ( my sister by heart), and then comes Linda ( the thing up front with her back towards you, blah blah blah) Posted by Hello

This a Very good friend of mine, one who I will miss dearly. Just in case he is not gay! Posted by Hello

Me! Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 05, 2005


Hello whats-up people? its me Michelle . Just writting to let you know, I am finally leaving Puerto Rico! Just for a week, but it is still so cool. I am going to Missouri, with my family this Tuesday! I'll write all about it when I come back from my trip. Anyways, baby I want you to know I am going to miss you a lot! I'll be thinking about you every day! I'll be wishing to come back only because of you!I love you! I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU! bye